Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Under my umberellaaa or... blankets, actually.

Today it's cold. Colder than usual because our heat isn't working yayyy!! good times for all. This means that Mectin is trying anything she possibly can to be on me in any capacity, but even more so, she wants to be under my blankets. I've got to admit, it's pretty cute watching minikitty burrow into my sheets and then turn around and stick her stupid little head out and look at me. But I've got to say, as following the theme from last post... I'm jealous of her. She's so small, she's wearing a fur coat. ALL THE TIME. And I'm sitting here in my layers, sans fur coat.. and she just has fun all day diving in and out of the blankets on my bed. It's not fair. She can find any location and curl up perfectly into it, and when I go to take some blankets for myself, she yells at me. Right now she moved on to using me as a blanket, I'm on my bed with the computer on my lap and she's sitting to my left trying to stick her head underneath me. She keeps messing with my typing, and bumping her face into my arm and hand, making me colder because of her wet nose on my skin. Well, she abandoned that and is now down at my feet... which I guess could be mutually beneficial. But the thing is, I'm not a kitty and I have to move around-- not sleep all day, so when I move my feet from under her, she yells at me. Mectin yells at me so much. It's unbelievable. Her two favourite things to do are yelling at me and petting me. But I'll leave that for another day.

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