Sunday, February 7, 2010


I started to write an insightful little piece the other day about Mectin and inspiration. Unfortunately it got, I'll try to recount my thoughts. This week I had three days off from work where I was studying for my insurance license. These three days consisted of me in my bed staring at my computer, trying to study. It was day three when Mectin inspired me. She woke up around 5 pm, and started grooming herself. A simple, insignificant moment? no. She inspired me to get my butt out of bed and take a shower. Sometimes we all need a little kitty reminder to take care of ourselves. It was nice.
I do believe that Mectin has a language. She has different sounds she makes, a lot of the time these sounds correspond with an action, and they always repeat. She says "bleeeeehp" when she jumps on to or off of something, she says "meeeahh" when she enters a room. Mectin is definitely a complex creature, I don't give her the credit I should.
Sometimes we have conversations that consist of me copying her meows, this can go on for quite a while, especially if she's in a car. But a lot of our communication rests on me telling her to come over to me. I have a few sounds that she responds to, and almost every time without fail she comes to me when I call her. It's really quite amazing when you sit and think that my silly little brain damaged kitty can understand me in some capacity.
Although, in a lot of ways she definitely does not understand me. Like when I'm sitting here typing and she tries over and over to climb onto my chest and I keep pushing her away.. she just doesn't seem to get it. Either that or she's really persistent. But... probably she just doesn't get it. So it's hard to tell, really. Is Mectin such a complex being that she and I can understand each other, or is our "communication" just a system of repetitiveness and coincidence. That I may never know! Do you?

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