Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cross Paw

It's time I open up to the world about a special little secret of mine. I am in love with "cross paw". What is cross paw you ask? Well.... I guess it's alright if I tell you. Cross paw is a syndrome that occurs when a cat, dog, hamsters.. really anything with paws, performs the act of crossing one paw over the other. I know this doesn't sound like something special, any pawed animal can complete the task of cross paw, but there is something so dainty and extra furry about the action of a cross paw.
Today Mectin was engaging in cross paw while laying next to me. But this time her cross paw evolved into something else..... dangle paw. As she rolled over, the paw that was on top stuck out in the air and was dangling there in front of me.
What makes this all the more special is that usually Mectin does not like her paws touched, but on this very fine occasion she permitted me to hold and pet her dangle paw.
All in all it has been a very fine day for kitty-cuteness. Cross paw turned into dangle paw... dangle paw turned into paw holding time. It's all very good when you're covered in fur.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Whys Mectin always got to..drool?

Let's be honest here.... how am I supposed to focus on work, to read, to write.. when there is kittyhead blocking not only my view, but my thoughts. Yes, specifically her head. There might not be much going on in here head... but there is a lot going on on her head.

I came home tonight and like usual all I wanted to do was walk inside, take my coat off, maybe sit down.. but no. Mectin needs attention. She has gotten reeeally good at yelling at me. So I come home, I go about my routine, I lay down on my bed with the 900 pages of reading I have to do, and there is Mectin yelling at me. So finally I give in and I give her pets and kisses and then I realize my hand is wet. My first thought is... great, so she peed again and now her pee is all over my hand. But no..... soon I realize that coming from her mouth is an unnecessary amount of drool.

I know that Mectin is not the only catthing to drool... but this was like, a lot. It was, as I said before, unnecessary. I tried to ask her what that was all about, but she just stared at me blankly and then blinked one eye at a time.

So I dealt with the drool for a while, and then it was time for me to continue my work. But hey, what better to block my view but her very own kittyhead? I mean... if you were reading, I would think nothing other than to block your view with my jocelynhead. This is the appropriate course of action to take when one is trying to do something.. anything. I know, I know, she's a cat. I cannot hold her to the standards of a human being, but then why does she yell at me? And it's not that she's just meowing, she is really yelling, saying "hey! hey! look at me! WHY aren't you looking at ... oh, okay I'll just put my head right in front of you so that you HAVE to look at me". So maybe she's got it down, maybe she really knows more than I do about how to saturate ones thoughts. Or maybe she's a cat and I'm reading too much in to this, but frankly if she won't let me do my own reading, I have to fulfill my goal of reading into something...anything.