Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ode to Mectin

I just don't know if there's anything more to say about Mectin. I fear that this blog might be dying. Maybe it needs to die to get popular and become the newest internet sensation. Maybe.
But before it dies, I did tell Gordon that I'd write about how much I love Mectin. Oh Mectin, oh how I love you.

Ode To Mectin
You, my sweet kittay
You light my life
You give me kitty kisses.
Your paws awaken my soul
and your whiskers, my heart.
You, my fluffy minikitty
You are my love
My sweet Kittyana
My dream.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mectin is my friend. But I'm just not quite sure if I'm her friend.

Mectin has been very nice to me for the past few days, very loving and sweet. We spoon every night. It's our little ritual. But the truth is, I think I love Mectin way more than she loves me. Sometimes I am deceived by her longingful eyes, her passionate head bumps, her melodic purrs, but Mectin does not truly love me. I believe she only loves the idea of me, she loves me as a figure. She could give a shit less who I am, or who I am not. I am completely replaceable. But maybe that's okay. She has a right not to be attached, she's only a kitty.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kittyagitation! (aka whys mectin always gotta throw up? part 2)

Mectin and I are in a fight. I think she's trying to make up with me now, but I'm still angry.
She kept me up ALL NIGHT. All freaking night. She wanted to go in and out and in and out over and over again and if I didn't get up to let her out she'd yell at me, and then start and my feet and run up my body till she sat on my shoulder or chest, and then proceeded to yell in my face until I let her out. Eventually I just got up and turned the little kitchen light out and left the door open so she could go in and out as she pleases, but I guess once I did that she decided she had no interest in anything except for throwing up on my tax return.
Maybe she's trying to tell me something, maybe she's just soo radical. First she pukes on my health insurance bill, then she pukes on my tax information? Hm...
ANYWAY! Every time she puked, which was about two to three times, I lovingly, despite my anger, got up and turned the light on for her, got her water and cleaned up her kittypuke. Never once did she say thank you. Instead, she found more and more ways to annoy me.
So today I am a very frustrated lady. It didn't help that when I went to feed her this morning, she decided the best way to encourage me to get the food bag down from the cabinet is to YELL at me while doing so. What was she thinking? That I was going to stop midway and say, "ehhh you know what? neeever mind." JEEZ!
And on another note, something else that frustrates me....I have the Martha Stewart show on in the background, it's her valentines day show I guess, but she made the whole audience wear red. I mean... really? How did she coordinate that? Did she not allow in people who weren't wearing red? Did she provide the shirts? I don't know, that annoys me.
OH hey Mectin, having fun walking all over my body while I'm trying to type? How about pushing your wet nose into my hands. Cute. Reeeeeeal cute.
Mectin better have some flowers or chocolate waiting for me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Mectin is looking quite orange today.


Mectin is a very mobile cat. Although she does not have thumbs, she overcomes adversity in many different ways. She is also a quick thinker. Unfortunately... she is not overwhelmingly bright.
Mectin can get into my room by pushing her face against my door. Before my lovely door does not latch, she doesn't have a problem getting in. (Unless the heat turns on then for some reason there's a current and she cant push the door open..) But she does have a problem getting out of the room. Recently, I do believe that she has learned from watching me that I push the doorknob down and open the door, so she's started standing on my bed and trying to open the door. Like, I said earlier, she is not the brightest kitty and she does not have great balance or coordination, so when she tried to stand and push the handle down, she fell off the bed. So there's me, at 3 am, laughing at my cat who just fell straight off the bed onto her face.
But I have to give her credit, she did show mental growth by trying to open the door. If only she could actually succeed.. then I wouldn't have to get up every 4 seconds to let her out. In time Mectin, in time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I started to write an insightful little piece the other day about Mectin and inspiration. Unfortunately it got, I'll try to recount my thoughts. This week I had three days off from work where I was studying for my insurance license. These three days consisted of me in my bed staring at my computer, trying to study. It was day three when Mectin inspired me. She woke up around 5 pm, and started grooming herself. A simple, insignificant moment? no. She inspired me to get my butt out of bed and take a shower. Sometimes we all need a little kitty reminder to take care of ourselves. It was nice.
I do believe that Mectin has a language. She has different sounds she makes, a lot of the time these sounds correspond with an action, and they always repeat. She says "bleeeeehp" when she jumps on to or off of something, she says "meeeahh" when she enters a room. Mectin is definitely a complex creature, I don't give her the credit I should.
Sometimes we have conversations that consist of me copying her meows, this can go on for quite a while, especially if she's in a car. But a lot of our communication rests on me telling her to come over to me. I have a few sounds that she responds to, and almost every time without fail she comes to me when I call her. It's really quite amazing when you sit and think that my silly little brain damaged kitty can understand me in some capacity.
Although, in a lot of ways she definitely does not understand me. Like when I'm sitting here typing and she tries over and over to climb onto my chest and I keep pushing her away.. she just doesn't seem to get it. Either that or she's really persistent. But... probably she just doesn't get it. So it's hard to tell, really. Is Mectin such a complex being that she and I can understand each other, or is our "communication" just a system of repetitiveness and coincidence. That I may never know! Do you?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The things a Mectin enjoys.

Mectin, as a kittycitizen of this world, has the right to enjoy certain things. Unfortunately, the things that Mectin enjoys happen to be very annoying. Mectin enjoys screaming at me, petting me and eating plastic.
Kristin and I decided we will record Mectin when she screams, so look forward to that one kids! (Or kid, I'm pretty sure only Shannon reads this). So soon this website will have a loop of Mectin making her dainty kitty noises. Then you shall understand!
Mectin also likes to pet me. Around 5 am, she will sit near my head and literally pet my head with her paw. Her kittyclaws tend to get stuck in my hair, and it always wakes me up and is really not that pleasant. The worst is when she pets my face, and I wake up with tiny scratches on my cheeks and nose.
And then of course, there's the plastic eating. This is probably her favourite past time. Her love of eating plastic ranges from plastic bags, saran wrap, weird plastic bits she finds in random places.... she just loves eating plastic. This obsession isn't very healthy for her, imagine having plastic running through your digestive system. This obsession is also not a joy for me. Because she wakes me up by doing this deed, I have to get out of bed and wrestle the plastic out of her mouth so she doesn't choke on it. Although I'd love to stay sleeping in my warm bed, I have to fight with a kitty at all hours of the night. I haven't been able to understand why she likes this, I assume it might be the sound it makes while she chews on it. But I'm really not sure if there's any reason to this. When we lived in Leverett, Mectin used to stare at my stove for hours and hours. Although this was certainly really weird, she did it because she saw a mouse there once and for months following had to keep guard on the stove in case any more come. This persistence paid off when finally a few baby mice would come out towards the end of our stay in this house and she was able to hunt a few. But eating plastic? I really don't think there's much reason to this. I mean, maybe in the kittyworld there is great significance to eating plastic, but.......

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

whys mectin always gotta throw up?

really? why? I mean... I throw up a lot... like if I'm coughing too much.. or if i have two beers instead of one.. or if something grosses me out like chai skin (ew), but there's always a reason. Not for Mectin.. She was sitting in my blankets, all wrapped up like a baby pig (what?), and then I see her stick her tongue out and bob her head back and forth and I think.. oh no... there's gonna be some kittay vomit! and sure enough, seconds after I lift her off my bed and onto the floor, she pukes up some grade A kitty barf. I just don't get it, she hasn't been doing anything for hours, just laying there... so how can she puke unprovoked? I just don't get it. I also don't get how it took me really long to figure out how unprovoked is spelled. I thought it was unprovocted, or something, I tried it a few times and kept getting that red dotted line under it, so I typed it into google and google told me the right way to spell it. unprovoked. I wonder if Mectin ever surprises her self with things she realizes she doesn't know. Probably not.

Under my umberellaaa or... blankets, actually.

Today it's cold. Colder than usual because our heat isn't working yayyy!! good times for all. This means that Mectin is trying anything she possibly can to be on me in any capacity, but even more so, she wants to be under my blankets. I've got to admit, it's pretty cute watching minikitty burrow into my sheets and then turn around and stick her stupid little head out and look at me. But I've got to say, as following the theme from last post... I'm jealous of her. She's so small, she's wearing a fur coat. ALL THE TIME. And I'm sitting here in my layers, sans fur coat.. and she just has fun all day diving in and out of the blankets on my bed. It's not fair. She can find any location and curl up perfectly into it, and when I go to take some blankets for myself, she yells at me. Right now she moved on to using me as a blanket, I'm on my bed with the computer on my lap and she's sitting to my left trying to stick her head underneath me. She keeps messing with my typing, and bumping her face into my arm and hand, making me colder because of her wet nose on my skin. Well, she abandoned that and is now down at my feet... which I guess could be mutually beneficial. But the thing is, I'm not a kitty and I have to move around-- not sleep all day, so when I move my feet from under her, she yells at me. Mectin yells at me so much. It's unbelievable. Her two favourite things to do are yelling at me and petting me. But I'll leave that for another day.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hi Shannon

Hi Shannon. Well, it's 10:09 pm, monday night. I forgot Mectin was laying on my legs. Then I heard a disgruntled kitty yell, that sounded like, "maaahhoww". This has pretty much been the extent of my evening. Shannon told me to start a blog, so I did. It's about Mectin and it's about me, but not so much about just Mectin or just me, like our seperate lives. It's about Mectin and my life together.
So, this blog won't be terribly exciting, relevant or even amusing... but that's okay.
okay.. so this is the problem, it's now 10:14, I can't do the math but that's __ minutes since I started this blog, and I've already ran out of things to talk about. Seriously, I was halfway through the first sentence of this paragraph, and I got to the "..." and totally didn't have anything else to say.
One might stop there, call it a night, but me... no. I'll think of something..
Well, Mectin just isn't doing much tonight, so that's probably why this blog is shitttay. She's just sitting there on my legs, all comfortable and sleeping. Okay, so I've been thinking about this for a while. Does anyone other than me ever get jealous of their pet? Because I am sooo jealous of Mectin sometimes. Between the hours of 11 pm last night and 3 pm today, I know for a fact Mectin only woke up and got off my bed 3 times. Then I went to work at 3:30 and I left her sleeping in my bed looking sooo comfortable when I was soo grumpy and did not want to go to work. When I got back around 8, she was still asleep when I came into my room, I turned the light on and she got up, screamed at me, and yawned. I don't know, first I called her a lazy bitch, but then I just looked at her and said, damn lucky cat. all she does is look soo cute all the time and be so comfortable and sleeeepy. And I have to get up and go to my work when I don't want to go and be cold all day, etc. but then I think about how it could be really boring not doing anything and would i actually like it, and so on. and I started in on this whole inner dialogue about what it would be like if I were Mectin....
so all in all, cat jealousy is not an easy thing.