Monday, August 9, 2010

Oh Mectin, where has the time gone?

So it's been a while... hasn't it, internet? I don't really know what happened, where time went, where this blog went.....I don't know, and neither does Mectin. Mectin does on the other hand know a whole bunch of stuff! Like.............
Anyways, I think that Mectin is finally becoming a cat-woman. Mainly this means she has stopped being and innocent kittay, and has become a bit of a bitch lately. I can't blame this all on Mectin though, I do play a part in this. Last week I held onto her foot for a while, she used to let me do anything to her without the slightest protest, but on that particular day in August I held onto her foot and would not let go. She made a series of annoyed faces/noises, and then opened her mouth and put her teeth on my hand. This was shocking! It was shocking, and it was heartbreaking. Although Mectin had no intentions of biting me, she was letting me know that she could. I think she's finally figured it out. She finally figured out that she has choices and a will of her own. Maybe that's where the time went... it has gone to Mectin and her new found kittyindependence. And that is hard for a Jocelyn to accept.
Mectin asks for this independence a lot. Sometimes she leaves me notes in my lunch with pictures of her packing up all her belongings into her kittynapsack and hitting the road! Sometimes I find brochures from exotic locations in her litter box. I even stumbled upon her online dating profile on hmmm......
Well, Mectin is on a journey to becoming a full grown womancat. It may be hard for me to let go of her innocence and underdeveloped mind. But I see good things in our future, in our journey of Mectin & Me!