Thursday, February 4, 2010

The things a Mectin enjoys.

Mectin, as a kittycitizen of this world, has the right to enjoy certain things. Unfortunately, the things that Mectin enjoys happen to be very annoying. Mectin enjoys screaming at me, petting me and eating plastic.
Kristin and I decided we will record Mectin when she screams, so look forward to that one kids! (Or kid, I'm pretty sure only Shannon reads this). So soon this website will have a loop of Mectin making her dainty kitty noises. Then you shall understand!
Mectin also likes to pet me. Around 5 am, she will sit near my head and literally pet my head with her paw. Her kittyclaws tend to get stuck in my hair, and it always wakes me up and is really not that pleasant. The worst is when she pets my face, and I wake up with tiny scratches on my cheeks and nose.
And then of course, there's the plastic eating. This is probably her favourite past time. Her love of eating plastic ranges from plastic bags, saran wrap, weird plastic bits she finds in random places.... she just loves eating plastic. This obsession isn't very healthy for her, imagine having plastic running through your digestive system. This obsession is also not a joy for me. Because she wakes me up by doing this deed, I have to get out of bed and wrestle the plastic out of her mouth so she doesn't choke on it. Although I'd love to stay sleeping in my warm bed, I have to fight with a kitty at all hours of the night. I haven't been able to understand why she likes this, I assume it might be the sound it makes while she chews on it. But I'm really not sure if there's any reason to this. When we lived in Leverett, Mectin used to stare at my stove for hours and hours. Although this was certainly really weird, she did it because she saw a mouse there once and for months following had to keep guard on the stove in case any more come. This persistence paid off when finally a few baby mice would come out towards the end of our stay in this house and she was able to hunt a few. But eating plastic? I really don't think there's much reason to this. I mean, maybe in the kittyworld there is great significance to eating plastic, but.......

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